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5G O-RAN Mobile xHaul Transport Solution

O-RAN Overview

Open Radio Access Networks (O-RAN) is transforming the telecommunication industry. It changes traditional appliance-based RAN deployment to a more open, interoperable, standard-based, and virtualized radio access network. Open RAN deployments remove vendor lock-in and enable telecom service providers to take advantage of virtualization, utilize telecom edge for innovative apps and services, and save costs.

Asterfusion has been committed to building the open network since its inception. We promise to deliver the leading connectivity solutions and services through productizing open software and hardware solutions for service providers and new experiences for their customers.

Mobile xHaul Transport

The current Open RAN architecture defined by O-RAN Alliance provides the functional separation of RAN components into a Open Radio Unit (RU), Open Distributed Unit (O-DU) and Open Centralized Unit (O-CU). Ethernet switches are needed for xHaul (FrontHaul, MidHaul, BackHaul) transmission to facilitate efficient and flexible communication between different components of O-RAN.

Asterfusion provides comprehensive telecom solution to enable the interconnection of various network elements within the O-RAN architecture.

O-RAN Mobile xHaul Transport

Key Benefits

Comprehensive Mobile Transport Solution
  • High Precision Time Synchronization FrontHaul

  • Low Latency MidHaul/BackHaul Transmission

Time Synchronization Protocol Support
  • IEEE1588v2 (PTP)

  • Synchronous Ethernet

Enterprise ready SONiC NOS
  • CPRI-to-eCPRI conversion

  • QoS and EVPN to support Network Slicing

Mobile In-Building

The current coverage provided by traditional cells will not support ever-growing demands for cellular services in heavy populated areas such as large office buildings, university campuses, hospitals and stadiums. An overlay of small cells must be added to the existing deployment of macro-cells in dense areas.

Asterfusion CX-M Series is a popular Campus Access and Aggregation switch for O-RAN small-cell deployment at in-building locations because of its support of PTP, SyncE, PoE+, and line rates of 1G, 10G, 25G and 100G ports.

Mobile In-building

Key Benefits

  • Rich L2/L3 Features
  • PTP and SyncE sychronization support

  • Active PoE up to 60W per port