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Explore Our Whitebox Networking From Enterprise SONiC Distribution:AsterNOS

Asterfusion's production ready SONiC NOS, AsterNOS, is easy to integrate with the cloud
  • One NOS, for TeraLynx, Prestera and Tofino
  • One NOS, for Campus and Data Center
  • The Most Powerful Production Ready SONiC Distro

Asterfusion: Leading the Open Network Revolution!

As the only vendor utilizing Enterprise SONiC NOS across a full range of open network switches—powered by Marvell Teralynx, Prestera, Octeon, Intel Tofino, and Mellanox – Asterfusion delivers unmatched flexibility, reliability, and scalability for data centers and campuses alike.
But we don’t stop there! We extend open networks to wireless APs, empowering customers with seamless, high-performance connectivity from wireless access to Layer 2/3 switches, all the way to data centers. Experience the future of open networking with Asterfusion!

Enterprise Ready SONiC Distribution>
Asterfusion's production ready SONiC NOS, AsterNOS, is easy to integrate with the cloud

One NOS,
for TeraLynx, Prestera,Tomahawk,Trident and Tofino

One NOS,

for Campus and Data Center

The Most Powerful Production Ready 
SONiC Distribution

Aster fusion 1G-400G whitebox switches, OpenWiFi wireless AP & DPU smartNICs for data center and enterprise/SMBs/campus

Campus Access & Aggregation

News & Inspiration about Whitebox Networking